Shop/Support the Artist

A Bit Under Construction still!

Looking for Coloring Pages?

How About Fonts?

Want to know how to support a freelance artist? If you’d like to get some of my art, I’d recommend that you-

Check out my Etsy for a mix of printable coloring pages, original paintings, and laser cut goods.

Gumroad for purely digital stuff

or Redbubble for mass market merch!

If you’d like to toss me a few coins, I’d never turn down a Ko-fi

And long-term support on Patreon would be lovely!

If you’d like to help in a less monetary fashion, feeding the algorithms over on the various socials gives me a boost that money can’t buy!

Twitter for art and various nerdy/arty commentary.

or Instagram (for very occasional updates)

or, once I hit 100 subscribers on YouTube, I can actually name my channel!